Bates Edward, QC

Edward is an acknowledged leader in regulatory work, environmental health, and health and safety, Chambers and Partners 2009 noted that he 'poses a formidable challenge to defendants' and is 'a robust and methodical advocate'.Edward regularly appears for the Environment Agency in Category 1 water pollution incidents including oil over 30 km of River Severn leading to widespread fish kill, failures at sewage stations and blockages in public drains - Bates Edward

Membership:Bar Chancery; ALBA; HRLA;,St Philips chambers associates

Case Result

  • Edward prosecutes and defends in health and safety matters. Cases recently have included the death of a man excluded from a night club, the fatal accident to a baby involving anaphylactic shock, the crushing of a woman by a bus.
  • Edward was prosecuting Counsel in the leading case of Sterling Homes v Birmingham City Council. He has prosecuted for Of com in cases involving the RTT&E Regulations and the EMC Regulations, He appears regularly in food safety and hygiene cases, including cases for and against McDonalds Restaurants Limited, Greene King Plc and notably for the prosecution in the food poisoning case against Cadbury Ltd.